– COVID-19 – Vaccination-Status-Prevention-of-Discrimination-Bill

Could the COVID-19-Vaccination-Status-Prevention-of-Discrimination-Bill receive the parliamentary attention it should deserve or is this another attempt to provide another illusion when in actual fact nothing is being done? After Craig Kelly attempted to enact an anti Covid-19 passport Bill, how can it be taken that the members of the current Parliament act in your best interest Read More …


This paper explores the resolution of conflicting state and territory civil and criminal legislation which is capable of operating beyond the relevant territorial limits of that state or territory, the governing principles, and constitutional framework and relationship with the choice of law principles, the application of extraterritorial operation, resolution of inconsistencies between overlapping laws, Commonwealth Read More …

The Act of Democide

Democide is a concept proposed by U.S. political scientist Rudolph Rummel to describe “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.”According to Rummel, this definition covers a wide range of deaths, including forced labor and concentration camp victims; Read More …

The American Journal of Therapeutics ~ Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection

The American Journal of Therapeutics has published a study on the effects on Ivermectin on Covid 19 patients, the study found the following results. Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are pos- sible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety Read More …


Research on the creation of a new State in Australia evidences conflicting views about the constitutional requirements for how an area presently forming part of an existing State could become a new State in the federation. The issue of the creation of new States is specifically dealt with in Chapter VI of the Constitution under four separate sections: Read More …

Impersonating a Commonwealth Officer ~ Teresa Van Lieshout arrested over fake police badges

Federal police have charged a South Australian woman for allegedly ordering fake police badges as part of preparations to overthrow the government. Key points: The 49-year-old is a former teacher who has run as a right-wing political candidate in WA Police allege she was part of a group which discussed forming an alternative federal police Read More …


This document presents the National COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Plan (the Plan) as part of Operation COVID Shield, announced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison on 8 June 2021. Implementation of the Plan will be coordinated by the National COVID Vaccine Taskforce (NCVTF) and led by Lieutenant General (LTGEN) John Frewen as the Coordinator General. The NCVTF’s Read More …