Is there a power within the Constitution to create Local Government?

The NSW Parliament have clearly provided there is no power within the Commonwealth Constitution to create Local Government and this is an exclusive power of State governments, if this is the case how is it that the Commonwealth Government have empowered Territory Governments to enact forms of Local Government within the Commonwealth Territories?     Read More …

Can you afford $5 a Month?

Can you afford $5 a month to support the researchers here at Constitution Watch to bring you more great content on a daily Basis? For the cost of a cup of coffee a month you can help us concentrate on what we need to do, bring you the truth wth more exceptional content not found Read More …

NSW Covid Fine Challenge.

The validity of COVID-19 fines issued across NSW will be called into question in a court case that has the potential to invalidate millions of dollars worth of penalty notices issued during the state’s lockdowns. In a case filed in the NSW Supreme Court this week, three people who received fines ranging from $1000 to Read More …

Oath of Allegiance Restored in NSW.

In 2012 the Oath of Allegiance to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II (Roman numerals) was restored in New South Wales. Queen Elizabeth II is the Reigning Monarch of the United Kingdom. Queen Elizabeth the Second (In words) is the Australian Title enacted by the Australian Parliament beyond the power the Constitution provides within the Royal Read More …


. The office of Governor of New South Wales fails to be constituted under Letter Patent, the direct line to exercise the Queens prerogative powers was severed in 1987 with the enactment of Act No. 64, Constitution Amendment Act 1987. If section 9 provides the Letter Patent ceases to have effect, what constitutes the current office Read More …

Excessive COVID policing ‘burdening’ courts

The “excessive” fines and charges issued by NSW Police in its attempts to enforce a number of COVID-19 restrictions have had an “unsustainable impact on courts” and has ultimately slowed the state’s recovery, the Aboriginal Legal Service said. New data from the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) revealed that the “increased enforcement activity” Read More …

Fair Work Commission – Appeal of decisions Jennifer Kimber v Sapphire Coast Community Aged Care Ltd

A Fair Work Commission deputy president has warned against a “medical apartheid” stemming from employers and governments mandating coronavirus vaccines. Aged care receptionist Jennifer Kimber was sacked from a NSW south coast nursing home in July last year after refusing to have a flu jab. The Fair Work Commission refused her permission to appeal on Read More …