Victorian Ombudsman ~ Investigation into three councils’ outsourcing of parking fine internal reviews

From 2006 to at least 2016, Glen Eira, Port Phillip and Stonnington councils were found to have breached the Infringement Act, which requires councils to handle parking fine reviews internally. The three councils do not believe they broke the law but have agreed to repay the fines out of “goodwill”, ombudsman Deborah Glass said.   52 Read More …

Basic Concept of Vaccination

The word “vaccine” originates from the Latin Variolae vaccinae (cowpox), which Edward Jenner demonstrated in 1798 could prevent smallpox in humans. Today the term ‘vaccine’ applies to all biological preparations, produced from living organisms, that enhance immunity against disease and either prevent (prophylactic vaccines) or, in some cases, treat disease (therapeutic vaccines). Vaccines are administered Read More …

Gardasil Vaccine ~ Australian Public Assessment Report for: Quadrivalent human papilloma virus.

Carcinogenicity GARDASIL has not been evaluated for carcinogenic potential. Genotoxicity GARDASIL has not been evaluated for genotoxic potential. Paediatric Use The safety and efficacy of GARDASIL have not been evaluated in children younger than 9 years.   Use with Other Vaccines Results from clinical studies indicate that GARDASIL may be administered concomitantly (at a separate Read More …

Enhanced school-based surveillance of acute adverse events following immunisation with human papillomavirus vaccine in males and females, 2013

Australia was the first country to introduce a government-funded National Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Program for females. From 2007 to 2012, the TGA captured national adverse event reports via routine passive surveillance. In 2013, the National Immunisation Program (NIP) schedule was extended to include males (12 to 13 years as standard and a two year Read More …

Are Pfizer conducting unauthorised human experiments?

Health Ministry: ‘It’s not an experiment’ ‘It’s an aggregate information-sharing agreement with Pfizer,’ Health Ministry responds to Helsinki Committee report.   The Health Ministry tonight responded to reports that the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights is expected to announce that Pfizer is conducting unauthorized human experimentsin Israel. In a statement, the Ministry said “in an Read More …

Corona Ordinance Unconstitutional : a landmark judgement in Weimar District Court ~ UPDATED.

Working English translation by Howard Steen (using DeepL) of item reported on German Corona Committee news pages: Amtsrichter in Weimar: Corona-VO verfassungswidrig – 2020 NEWS posted Jan 21st, 2021 A district judge in Weimar has acquitted a man who was to be fined for violating the Corona contact ban by celebrating his birthday with at Read More …

Governor (including Lieutenant Governor 1851-1855 and Governor’s Office)

Scope of Agency This agency includes the Lieutenant-Governor (1851 to 1855) and the Governor (from 1855), as well as the Governor’s Office. Formal Structure of Government in Victoria and Role of Governor from 1855 The formal structure of Government and the role of the Governor are set down in the Victorian Constitution Act 1975 (No.8750), Read More …