Every person lawfully within Victoria has the right to move freely.

CHARTER OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ACT 2006 – SECT 12 Freedom of movement Every person lawfully within Victoria has the right to move freely within Victoria and to enter and leave it and has the freedom to choose where to live. 12 Freedom of movement Every person lawfully within Victoria has the right to Read More …

A person must not be—subjected to medical or scientific experimentation or treatment without his or her full, free and informed consent.

CHARTER OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ACT 2006 – SECT 10 Protection from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment A person must not be— (a)     subjected to torture; or (b)     treated or punished in a cruel, inhuman or degrading way; or (c)     subjected to medical or scientific experimentation Read More …

No Valid Creation of the Infringements Court ~ $1,000 up for grabs.

Explanatory Memorandum: The Author, after diligent research discovered Courts in Australia can only be created by Statute, after much painstaking search and failing to reveal any such creation within Victoria’s Statute law the Author contacted various Victorian Agencies to confirm the establishment of the Infringements Court. After being directed to the Legislative Assembly for conformation Read More …

Case Law: Bennett-Hullin v Clarke 1943 ~ Does the term “Person” include “Natural Person?”

Verba chartarum fortius accipiuntur contra proferentem Latin: a principle of construction whereby if words of a contract are ambiguous, of two equally possible meanings, they should be interpreted against the author, drafter or writer of the contract and not against the other party. It is a general rule , that the words in a deed Read More …

Victorian Archives ~ An Insight…

The Public Records Act 1973 requires Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) to work with Victorian government agencies to select public records for permanent preservation as State Archives. So, out of all the digital and paper files government creates every day, how do we decide which ones are worth keeping forever? To find out, see the presentation and list Read More …

Standard hard copies of bills before Parliament are available to members of the public for free

—– Forwarded message —– From: Assembly Procedure Office <assembly@parliament.vic.gov.au> To: Sent: Friday, 28 August 2020, 01:50:28 pm AEST Subject: RE: a certified copy of a bill?     Thanks for getting in touch. Your query has been forwarded to me at the Assembly Procedure Office. This office manages a lot of the documents relating to Read More …