Standard hard copies of bills before Parliament are available to members of the public for free

----- Forwarded message -----
From: Assembly Procedure Office <>
Sent: Friday, 28 August 2020, 01:50:28 pm AEST
Subject: RE: a certified copy of a bill?



Thanks for getting in touch. Your query has been forwarded to me at the Assembly Procedure Office. This office manages a lot of the documents relating to Parliament, such as bills and tabled documents, and we help locate copies of things for any members of the public who are looking for something.


Standard hard copies of bills before Parliament are available to members of the public for free – if you provide the name of the bill and your postal address, we can send a copy to you for no charge. These are the same bills that members receive and vote on in the chamber – we do a single print run of each bill and every copy comes from that same run, whether it’s going to a member of Parliament or a member of the public.


However, we can’t provide you with the ‘certified bill’ that you describe, because such a document doesn’t exist. The copy of a bill before Parliament and the copies we give to the public are identical. When a bill is before Parliament there is no ‘original’ to make copies from, but rather numerous identical copies that are available to all.


I hope this makes things clearer. If you would like to provide the name of the bill and a postal address for yourself, someone from our office can put it in the mail on Monday. Please let me know if you have any further questions.


Kind regards,


 | Customer Service Officer
Legislative Assembly | Parliament of Victoria
Phone: 9651 8564



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