The Fifth Circuit Court Issues a Stay of the Emergency Temporary Standard Requiring Mandatory Vaccines or Testing for All Employers “UPDATED”

On November 4, 2021, Occupational Health and Safety Administration (“OSHA”) issued its highly anticipated Emergency Temporary Standard (the “ETS” or the “Mandate”) requiring U.S. employers with 100 or more employees to either: (a) implement a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy for employees, or (b) adopt a policy allowing employees to choose between vaccination or weekly COVID-19 Read More …

The electric highway: A fuelish policy

Australian prime minister Scott Morrison has had another green brainwave: spend a zillion dollars to build Australia’s electric/hydrogen highway.  Naturally, this fuelish policy will be supported and accelerated by the Greens/ALP coalition. They all need to study the history of transport in Australia. Soon after the First Fleet landed, explorers, prospectors, and settlers headed inland seeking Read More …

Corporations Powers. ~ Can the State regulate the employer employee relationship?

1. In 2001 the states referred their corporations powers to the Commonwealth by engaging section 51(xxxvii).      (xxxvii)  matters referred to the Parliament of the Commonwealth by the Parliament or Parliaments of any State or States, but so that the law shall extend only to States by whose Parliaments the matter is referred, or Read More …

More than 10,000 Australians have filed coronavirus vaccine injury claims

Taxpayers are facing a hefty bill for rare but significant coronavirus vaccine injuries, with at least 10,000 people planning to claim under the federal government’s no-fault indemnity scheme. Services Australia is building an online portal, to be launched next month, for uncapped claims above $5000 from those who suffered injury and loss of income due Read More …

Assistant Attorney General: Commonwealth could “legislate” on Daniel Andrews’ pandemic powers

The Commonwealth could use Australia’s international human rights obligations to “exclude” Daniel Andrews’ tough pandemic powers, but the Assistant Attorney General says Victorians should instead demand better government. The Assistant Attorney General has lashed Premier Daniel Andrews’ “unprecedented” pandemic powers, declaring that the proposed new bill would allow the government to “deprive people of liberty” Read More …

National Review of Hotel Quarantine.

  This review examines quarantine systems and processes in all States and Territories except Victoria, met with relevant agencies and reviewed hotel quarantine arrangements and witnessed passenger arrivals. A model of good practice in an end to end quarantine system, together with the role of coordination of decision making, risk mitigation, community safety and patient Read More …

The Psychology of Dictators: Power, Fear, and Anxiety

They see themselves as “very special” people, deserving of admiration and, consequently, have difficulty empathizing with the feelings and needs of others … Not only do dictators commonly show a “pervasive pattern of grandiosity,” they also tend to behave with a vindictiveness often observed in narcissistic personality disorder. Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong (or Tse-tung), Josef Read More …