Australian Consumer Law, what are you rights?

The Australian Consumer Law provides protection for consumer relating to goods as well as services. Consumer guarantees products must meet The law automatically gives consumers rights when they buy goods and services from you. These are called consumer guarantees. There are 9 consumer guarantees that apply to any goods purchased from businesses in Queensland. Consumer Read More …

Man suspected of joining Islamic State wins High Court challenge against government decision to strip him of his citizenship

Another example in the High Court of the Executive Government acting beyond its powers in respect of Ministerial powers to strip Australians of their citizenship, the High Court ruled the Minister did not have the power to strip citizenship and this was the role of the court. A core provision of the federal government’s foreign Read More …

Is the Digital Passenger Declaration compulsory?

There are many claims surfacing on social media leading to misinformation claiming the Digital Passenger Declarations are compulsory. The Home Affairs Legislation Amendment (Digital Passenger Declaration) Regulations 2021 (the Digital Passenger Declaration Regulations) amend the Customs Regulation 2015 (Customs Regulation) and the Migration Regulations 1994 (Migration Regulations) to facilitate the introduction of a digital passenger Read More …

Did the Governor General act with the Advice of the Executive Council when issuing the Election writs?

There are many questions to be answered surrounding the issuing of writs for the federal election. Below is the government gazette evidencing writs were issued. Now the question is are the writs issued according to law? Is witnessing a document causing it to be issued? When the Governor General caused the writs to be issued Read More …

Does the Prime Minister have allegiances to foreign powers who fail to act in the best interest of the Australian People?

In a recent Freedom of Information request seeking information on the Prime Minister and Cabinets involvement with the Socialist World Economic Forum it was revealed Prime Minister Scott Morrison is part of the ‘Great Reset’ in which the forum brags ‘you will own noting and be happy’, Morrison has engaged with the forum in the Read More …

Sovereignty in the Australian Federation

    Delivering its judgment in 1920 in the apparently-notorious Engineers’ Case, the High Court made the following statement: “For the proper construction of the Australian Constitution, it is essential to bear in mind two cardinal features of our political system which are interwoven in its texture and … radically distinguish it from the American Constitution…. One Read More …