Code of Conduct and Ethics ~ Australian Police.

Reporting Corrupt Conduct Corruption is deliberate unlawful conduct. Some examples are the giving or taking of bribes, giving false evidence, falsifying documents, mistreatment of prisoners in custody and gross abuse of authority. Corrupt conduct is not about making honest mistakes which can be dealt with through good management practices at the local level.     Read More …

Dan Andrews (Victoria) declares war on small business – ‘destroy em’ they say!

Yesterday the Victorian Labor government released its report into the ‘gig economy.’ The 228-page report should be read as a declaration of war against self-employed, small business people across Victoria, and Australia. This is so because a key recommendation calls for laws that would effectively make self-employment illegal. The recommendation (page 193 of the report) Read More …

Bioethics and Human Rights.

The principles of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights Article 3: Human dignity and human rights Human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms are to be fully respected. The interests and welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society.   Article 4: Benefit and harm In Read More …