On 8 May 2015, the Norfolk Island People voted overwhelmingly in support of their “right to freely determine their political status, their economic, social and cultural development”. Australia chose to ignore the outcome of the legally constituted referendum and to disregard the rights of the Norfolk Island People. Consequently in June 2015, the Legislative Assembly of Norfolk Island was abolished and the limited self-governance model afforded the Norfolk Island People by the Commonwealth of Australia in 1979 was removed.
This action by the Commonwealth of Australia led to the formation of the Norfolk Island People for Democracy (NIPD).
On 25 April 2016 Mr Geoffrey Robertson QC, in the company of Mr Albert Buffett (RIP), President of the Norfolk Island Council of Elders (the Council) and Mr Ken Christian, Vice President of the Council, lodged a Petition with the United Nations in New York on behalf of the people of Norfolk Island.
The Petition which is addressed to the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonisation, requests that Norfolk Island be recognised and listed as a non-self-governing territory.
81 pages
28 pages
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