Norf’k Ailen Government Official Media Release.

Breaking News this week from the shores of Norfolk Island. Constitution Watch has spoken to the newly formed Norf'k Ailen Government, a reformation of the original government structure of 1856 where upon the original people of Pitcairn Island came to the shores of Norfolk by invitation of the then Monarch Queen Victoria.
In recent years The Australian Government has dissolved the Norfolk Legislative Assembly and installed a local government system under the local government laws of New South Wales. The geographical limits of New South Wales legislative limits do not extend to the shoreline of Norfolk as confirmed within Section 4 of New  South Wales own Constitution. The Pitcairn people and other settlers of the Island have stood up to The Australian Courts who act contrary to the will of the Islanders seeking self determination, something Australia has been seeking from the United Kingdom since Federation. That which The Australian Government seek they fail to grant to the people of Norfolk.
We will be bringing you further updates as they come to pass. Congratulations to the people of Norfolk.


2 pages.


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