Humiliation for Daniel Andrews as the ‘world first’ study Victoria held up as proof its mask policy crushed Covid is labelled ‘CRAP’ and ‘riddled with basic errors’

  Daniel Andrews has been humiliated after his ‘world-first’ study labelled ‘crap’ Victorian Premier mandated masks in outdoor settings during 112-day lockdown  People were subjected to outdoor mask use despite no scientific proof  Leading Australian scientists said use of report for legislation is ‘staggering’  One anonymous leading clinician said report was ‘crap’, ‘weak’ and ‘feeble’  Read More …


We present the following information to bring better understanding of the very nature and purpose of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, specifically PART 8–MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, MICRO‑ORGANISMS AND MEDICAL CONDITIONS, and PART 10–PROTECTION AND ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS.  When a Bill is presented to Parliament in Victoria it must have an explanatory memorandum and a Read More …

Ethical Policing in Victoria.

Acting Senior Sergeant Krystle Mitchell is a sworn member of the Victoria Police in Australia. She has served Victorians for 16 years as a police officer including 6 years at Professional Standards Command – the division responsible for investigating police misconduct, corruption, discrimination and freedom of information, referring investigations to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Read More …

Are Police employees of the State?

THE EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF POLICE OFFICERS IN AUSTRALIA At common law Australian police do not fall within the employer-employee relationship. This position seems to remain stubbornly persistent despite some cracks in judicial opinion and growing commentator criticism of the failure of the common law to review the status of police. The often quoted authority for Read More …

US Republicans call for sanctions against Australia over police treatment of protesters

The world is watching Australia and its ongoing human rights abuses. In 2011 the United Nations introduced a new scheme called Universal Periodic Reviews (UPR). Every four years each of the 193 UN member countries undergoes a peer review and assessment of their human rights record. It is a rigorous process. The nation reviewed is invited to Read More …