The Story behind the Land Borders/Boundaries & Limits of the Australian States – A Legal and Historical Overview.

Before federation, the colonial boundaries could be altered by the Queen in Council under the Colonial Boundaries Act 1895 (Imp) with the consent of the affected Colonial Parliaments. Since federation, s 123 of the Commonwealth Constitution provides the only constitutional avenue for an alteration in State limits. It provides as follows: The Parliament of the Read More …

The 1 million people myth.

The head count on Saturday 12, 2022, Convoy to Canberra has been more than over exaggerated. Here is the evidence there is no truth to the myth of 1 million people attending. .   . The total attending is just short of 250,000 people.      

Hundreds suffer from silent heart condition that could kill 40,000 people in 5 years

New analysis suggests the NHS will be unable to diagnose and treat the estimated 300,000 people living with aortic valve stenosis, which occurs when one of the heart’s main valves stiffens and narrows Hundreds of thousands of over-55s are suffering from a silent heart condition which could kill 40,000 Brits in the next five years. New Read More …

Is the Office of the Governor of Victoria valid if it ceases to operate under Letters Patent?

In 1994 the Letters Patent of 1986 for the State of Victoria constituting the office of Governor for and within the State of Victoria ceased to have effect as enacted now by the Victorian Parliament. The Letters Patent for the Governor first issued in 1900 provided the following: And whereas it has become necessary to make Read More …

The Creation of New South Wales.

The First Legislature   In 1823 the British Parliament passed an Act “for the better administration of Justice in New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land, and for the effectual Government thereof; …”, in line with a general policy which had been developed allowing controlled legislatures in the British colonies. The Act, usually called “The Read More …

Federal judge in Texas blocks enforcement of Covid-19 vaccine mandate for government employees

President Joe Biden has suffered another legal setback to his efforts to coerce Americans into getting vaccinated against Covid-19 – this time with a federal court blocking mandated jabs even for employees of his own administration. US District Court Judge Jeffrey Vincent Brown in Texas ruled on Friday that the mandate overstepped Biden’s authority as Read More …