High Court of Australia Public Lecture 2017 By Edwin Cameron*

An interesting lecture and can be taken to be alike to the Australian scheme currently in play.   After 350 years of racial subordination and exclusion, South Africa became a democracy in 1994, under what was praised as the world’s “most progressive” Constitution. Twenty three years later, inequality and dispossession persist, crime and corruption are high, Read More …

Law of Evidence.

“ The rules of Evidence,” says Mr. Wills, “are the practical maxims of legal and philosophic sagacity and experience, matured and methodized by a succession of wise men, as the best means of discriminating truth from error, and of con­ tracting as far as possible the dangerous power of judicial discretion.” “ Such rules,”  “ Read More …

Common Law Origins.

Australia and Britain have remarkably few constitutional guarantees of fundamental rights. This is not to say, of course, that the two countries are without any such protections. The Magna Carta of 1215 (“that great confirmatory instrument … which is the ground work of all our Constitutions”10) and the Bill of Rights of 1689 (“the product Read More …

Australian Network of Lawyers who are concerned about how laws are improperly used against Australians

A group of concerned lawyers have put together the following information to challenge the Australian and State Governments narrative in respect of the Covid19 Pandemic from expert and other evidence that is publicly available in Australia and worldwide, there appears to be strong evidence that there can no longer be a reliance on the premise Read More …


In 1901, Dr. John Quick and a barrister, Robert Garran, wrote their monumental volume, “The Annotated Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia”. It took them a thousand and eight pages to try and explain the Constitution in relation to the culture and legal concepts of the nineteenth century thinking. That thinking automatically enshrined the Westminster Read More …


The remedy of certiorari is employed to quash the judicial decisions of tribunals and courts, usually in cases where no right of appeal is available. It is a discretionary remedy derived from the inherent jurisdiction of the Court of King’s Bench over inferior tribunals exercised by means of the prerogative writs.         Read More …