Adverse events reported to the TGA for all children aged 5 to 15

October 2022

The following analysis of Adverse Events was reported to the TGA for kids aged 5 to 17 after COVID-19 Vaccination.

Based on vaccination numbers, this week the focus is on percentages and rates of overall Adverse Events reported to the TGA. Unfortunately, and for a variety of reasons, not every Adverse Event gets notified to the TGA, rendering the DAEN an underreporting and ‘Passive Reporting System.'

Many factors are relied upon to ensure an Adverse Event is even reported. A comparison of the DAEN data on kids to the ‘Active Reporting System’ AusVaxSafety Survey has been conducted to gain a wider understanding of the types and number of Adverse Events reported. AusVaxSafety surveys are carried out via follow up text message for those aged 12 and over. Please note that this comparison is for kids aged 5 to 15 and is only a guide.

Older Kids aged 16 to 17, were not included in this estimate as the Department of Health (DOH) does NOT provide data on vaccination rates for this specific age cohort.

The TGA on the other hand does include this age cohort when it comes to a breakdown of Adverse Events being reported via the DAEN.

TGA data for all kids aged 5 to 15 in this dataset reveals:

  • 2,203,116 had at least one dose of a COVID-19 Vaccine
  • 3,952 children had an Adverse Event Reported to the TGA (.17938% or 1 in every 557 children)

Data from the AusVaxSafety Survey Data, reveals further more concerning numbers:

  • 973,777 Adverse Events being reported (based on 44.2% of those that replied to the survey stating they suffered 1 or more adverse events - 1 in every 2.26 children)
  • 19,828 GP or Hospital visits for these children

It must be noted that minor Adverse Events, such as a sore arm and mild headache are more likely to be reported via AusVaxSafety Survey compared to the DAEN. If a person receives a text message from AusVaxSafety, they are more likely to respond with a minor ailment compared to actively reporting this same mild ailment via a complicated database and process such as the DAEN. However, it is also imperative to note that the data captured via AusVaxSafety is captured on day 3 follow up ONLY. This is despite the fact that they also conducted surveys at two other time period intervals but do not publish this data.

It is also critical to note that .9% of the 6,567,837 surveyed, said their Adverse Event meant a visit to a GP or Hospital. Based on the estimates for kids aged 5 to 15 (using this same percentage/rate based on the AusVaxSurvey), this could mean a total of 19,828 kids aged 5 to 15 had to visit a GP or hospital after covid-19 vaccination.

It is impossible to know what the exact numbers are and at the same time it indicates there has been a large increase in the number of GP and hospital attendances over the past 12 months. While COVID has played a part in this, so too has a decrease in the number of hospital staff. There is mounting anecdotal evidence to show that young, otherwise healthy kids are showing up at Emergency Departments across the country reporting a large number of Adverse Events after COVID-19 vaccination.

The true extent of the numbers of Adverse Events reported after COVID-19 vaccination for our kids may never be known, because many doctors deny the link and many others are scared to report them. However, one thing is indisputable, there is mounting evidence both in Australia and globally tthat these vaccines are unsafe and not fit for purpose. It’s time to stop the rollout for children and follow other countries lead on this.

*The AusVaxSafety Survey does not give a breakdown of the type of Adverse Event being reported. The survey is for those aged 12 and over. Percentages have been used from this survey to estimate potential numbers in kids aged 5 to 15. However, no concrete conclusions should be drawn from this analysis as the data from both DAEN and AusVaxSafety does not adequately share the truth.