Neale v DPP – the right to silence, citizens’ duties and Coronavirus Regulations

Today, Bindmans LLP client Keith Neale’s conviction for obstructing a police officer was quashed by the High Court, sitting at Cardiff. In an important judgment on the right to silence, the legal duties of citizens and the operation of Coronavirus Regulations, Mrs Justice Steyn and Lord Justice Dingemans held that justices at Newport Magistrates’ Court had erred Read More …

In the matter of a prosecution of the Victorian and Australian Governments – in relation to their ongoing crimes against humanity since end-March 2020 arising from reckless and disproportionate public health measures

In an article published in 2011 in the Bulletin ofthe World Health Organization, Luc Bonneux and Wim Van Damme wrote: The repeated pandemic health scares caused by an avian H5N1 and a new A(H1N1) human influenza virus are part of the culture of fear. Worst-case thinking replaced balanced risk assessment. Worst-case thinking is motivated by Read More …