Is the Digital Passenger Declaration compulsory?

There are many claims surfacing on social media leading to misinformation claiming the Digital Passenger Declarations are compulsory. The Home Affairs Legislation Amendment (Digital Passenger Declaration) Regulations 2021 (the Digital Passenger Declaration Regulations) amend the Customs Regulation 2015 (Customs Regulation) and the Migration Regulations 1994 (Migration Regulations) to facilitate the introduction of a digital passenger Read More …

UK Government Releases Bombshell Study Showing COVID Vax ‘Increases Risk of Death’ and ‘Kills Hundreds Of Thousands After Five Months’

The Covid-19 vaxxed population is substantially more likely to die of any cause than the unvaxxed population in all age groups, according to new data released by the UK’s Office for National Statistics. This is yet more evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines are deadly, and research included within the ONS data shows it takes five months after Read More …

Virus vax mandate challenged in Qld court

Queensland police and health workers have begun their challenge to COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the Brisbane Supreme Court. A trial involving three matters got under way on Monday, after legal issues stalled proceedings lodged by others. The action was brought by paramedics and Queensland Health employees, who were required to have two vaccinations in December, Read More …

Can I travel to Australia if I’m not vaccinated?

Yes. However, incoming passenger arrival caps still apply to passengers who don’t qualify as fully vaccinated. You may also face more difficulty finding transport options if you are unvaccinated. Read more about Australian re-entry and quarantine measures COVID-19 vaccination and travel State and territory COVID-19 information Proof of vaccination (Department of Health)       Do Read More …

Councils are not Government!

The NSW Court of Appeal decision in Sydney City Council v Reid, a 1994 case in which the Council attempted to prevent a council manager from having his appeal over an unsuccessful application for promotion heard by the public sector employment appeals tribunal. The manager failed to fall within any other category of employee provided Read More …