Local Government in Australia

Up to the present time, no systematic attempt has been made to investigate the various systems of Local Government in all the Australian States. As it is desired, if possible, to utilize the municipal subdivision of the States as a basis for the presentation of data in connexion with the next census, it has been Read More …

Victoria police to get military style, semi-automatic non-lethal rifles

Waiting for Gun Control Australia to step in and explain this one. From The Age:   “Victoria’s riot police are to be armed with crowd control guns and rubber pellet grenades to confront violent demonstrations, running street battles and prison uprisings in a move Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton says ‘‘will be confronting to watch’’. Initially Read More …

Another Stuff-Up By VicRoads

Mar 6th.   CPS (Club Permit Scheme)Renewals  The IIRA has been advised that the AOMC (Association Of Motoring Clubs) has received many reports from member clubs of CPS holders NOT receiving their renewal notices or receiving them late. This has resulted in the vehicle becoming UNREGISTERED. This means that the driver of the vehicle is Read More …

Out-of-date VicRoads data blamed for Sheriff’s office failing to recoup more than $100m in fines

VICROADS’ address database is hampering efforts to recoup millions of dollars in unpaid fines, a scathing Ombudsman’s report has found. Ombudsman George Brouwer found the road authority’s data contributed to the Sheriff’s office failing to recoup more than $100 million in unenforced warrants each year. “Out-of-date address data is a major factor leading to the Read More …

Criminal proceedings 101 ~ from beginning to end

1. Arrest​: ​Valid arrests must be based on ​probable cause.​ A reasonable belief that a certain set of facts which rises to the level of a threat to life or property are true. Must be based entered into the court record via sworn statement. ​(REMEMBER – no sworn statement of probable cause, even in a Read More …