Has Australia’s State of Victoria Sold Out to the Soros-Backed Strong Cities Network (SCN) with PRIVATISED POLICE?

September 12, 2020 TLB Staff Spotlight, Tyranny, WORLD 0 Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project We came across this website on Twitter, https://australianvoice.livejournal.com/. (Twitter link.) Its latest blog, which we’re republishing below, makes a very important connection between its OUTSOURCED police force and the Strong Cities Network, funded by globalists like Soros. Read More …

Victoria: the police state

by Louise O’Shea 05 November 2018 Victorian premier Daniel Andrews hails from the Socialist Left faction of the Labor Party. This has not stopped his government pursuing a repressive law and order agenda that would make Donald Trump blush. Crime in Victoria is at record lows. Figures from the Crime Statistics Agency show that the Read More …