Local Councils across the nation are failing to engage the public in a meaningful way with respect to the Urban Design Framework also known as 20 minute cities. People across Australia have attempted to engage councils on this matter due to the fundamental changes it brings only to be snubbed and shut out by council. Read More …

Can the Commonwealth impose Local Government Rates on a Territory?

We asked the Attorney Generals Office to provide the Head of Power found within the Constitution allowing for Local Government to charging council rates and if no power exists the information allowing the Commonwealth to impose council rates on a Territory. The Attorney General failed to provide the power or the information requested and it Read More …

Is there a power within the Constitution to create Local Government?

The NSW Parliament have clearly provided there is no power within the Commonwealth Constitution to create Local Government and this is an exclusive power of State governments, if this is the case how is it that the Commonwealth Government have empowered Territory Governments to enact forms of Local Government within the Commonwealth Territories?     Read More …

Councils are not Government!

The NSW Court of Appeal decision in Sydney City Council v Reid, a 1994 case in which the Council attempted to prevent a council manager from having his appeal over an unsuccessful application for promotion heard by the public sector employment appeals tribunal. The manager failed to fall within any other category of employee provided Read More …

Conflict of interest in local government

The below reviews found evidence of widespread problems of governance on the local level, in particular a failure to separate the functions of the councillors adequately from those of the council administration. Many councils had practices that, at best, lead to a lack of transparency and, at worst, allow opportunities for corrupt conduct. Specific recommendations Read More …