Are you an eligible person? If so you are entitled to concessions of 13% to 17% reduction on things such as utilities and a 50% reduction on council rates. Attached is the government gazette outlining the formula's involved in claiming the concession from page 1836 to 1844.
Concession orders
(1) The Minister, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may determine concessions in relation to user costs payable under an Act or otherwise by eligible persons or a class or classes of eligible persons.
In this Act—
"eligible beneficiary" means a person who during the relevant period—
(a) is an eligible recipient; or
(b) is the holder of a health care card issued under section 1061ZS of the Social Security Act 1991 of the Commonwealth
"eligible person" means a person who during the relevant period is—
(a) an eligible beneficiary; or
(b) an eligible pensioner; or
(c) an eligible recipient;
"eligible recipient" means a person who during the relevant period is—
(a) an eligible pensioner; or
(b) the holder of a Gold Card, being a card issued to a person who is eligible—
(i) for treatment under Part V of the Veterans' Entitlement Act 1986 of the Commonwealth; and
(ii) to receive a pension under section 13(1) of that Act as a totally and permanently incapacitated veteran to whom section 24 of that Act applies;
"user cost" means an amount payable (including any interest) in respect of—
(a) rates or charges payable under the Local Government Act 1989 ;
(b) domestic gas charges;
(c) domestic electricity charges;
(d) domestic water charges;
(e) domestic sewerage charges;
(f) any other charges that the Minister declares by Order under section 4(2) to be user costs for the purposes of this Act.
Page 1836 to 1844 as highlighted.