Immunization Against Neonatal Tetanus

For more than forty years it has been known that tetanus antibody passes the placenta (Ten Broeck &Bauer,1922-23), and suggestions were made that new born infants might be passively protected against neonatal tetanus by active immunization of their mothers (Nattan-Larrier,Ramon&Grasset,1926,1927; World Health Organization, 1950). Could the Covid 19 Vaccine be penetrating the placenta?   15 Read More …

R v Barger [1908] HCA 43

R v Barger [1908] HCA 43; (1908) 6 CLR 41 (26 June 1908) HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA Isaacs J. And in Morgan’s Steamship Co. v. Lousiana[62], Miller J. said:—”It has been repeatedly held that when the question is raised whether the State Statute is a just exercise of State power, or is intended by roundabout means to invade the domain Read More …

Covid 19 ~ Govt makes urgent law change after High Court ruling on legality of vaccine rollout

The Health Minister is making an urgent law change after a High Court judgment ruled it was “reasonably arguable” the Government’s provisional approval of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine is “problematic”. The case – Nga Kaitiaki Tuku Ihu Medical Action Society Incorporated v The Minister of Health – was in the High Court at Wellington last Read More …

The Magna Carta ~ Augusto Zimmermann.

Augusto Zimmermann provides a concise brief history of the passage of Magna Carta through the ages, we specifically note the removal of Clause 61 “Lawful Rebellion” in 1216 when the Charter was reissued without the controversial clause. Clause 61 was quite revolutionary and was directed personally at King John, for it was never included in Read More …

Magna Carta ~ Lawful Rebellion ~ Fact or Fiction?

Constitution Watch is contacted regularly with claims “Article 61” of Magna Carta is a remedy to tyrannical government here in Australia 800+ years after its first version came into existence.  The social media claim made by many people states we have the right to lawfully dissent or rebel if they believe they’re being governed unjustly. Other Read More …

Australian GPs Can Legally Prescribe Ivermectin Triple Therapy Protocol — Professor Thomas Borody

The Centre for Digestive Diseases issued today a press release titled “Ivermectin Triple Therapy Protocol for COVID-19 Released to Australian GPs for Infected Elderly and Frontline Workers.” As we previously covered, this early treatment protocol combines ivermectin with doxycycline and zinc. “Triple therapy specialist Professor Thomas Borody, famous for curing peptic ulcers using a triple antibiotic Read More …