Can an employer require an employee to be vaccinated?

In the current circumstances, the overwhelming majority of employers should assume that they can’t require their employees to be vaccinated against coronavirus. While the Australian Government’s policy is that receiving a vaccination is voluntary, it aims to have as many Australians vaccinated as possible. There are limited circumstances where an employer may require their employees Read More …

Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Locus of Constituent Power in the United Kingdom

Part I of this paper analyses the current UK constitutional ‘torpor’, arguing that despite what appear to be a number of substantial constitutional reforms in recent decades, the persistent inviolability of parliamentary sovereignty is inhibiting deeper constitutional restructuring. The result is a constitutional law in ‘crisis’ and potentially at the precipice of a paradigmatic revolution. Read More …

New Qld Bill Extends Emergency Powers to 30 April 2022

Queensland’s Minister of Health, Yvett D’Ath, quietly tabled the latest Public Health and Other Legislation (Further Extension of Expiring Provisions) Amendment Bil 2021 on 16 June 2021, in the middle of Queensland’s Budget Sitting. The Bill extends Queensland’s Emergency Response Act measures a further seven months, from 30 September 2021 to 30 April 2022, with Read More …