Investigation into review of parking fines by the City of Melbourne

Alleged revenue raising – the evidence

Revenue from parking fines is trending downwards, The investigation confirmed the Council’s revenue from parking infringements dropped in 2018-19. This was due to a 17 per cent reduction in the number of parking fines issued in 2018-19, compared with the previous year. As a consequence, the income generated from parking fines also decreased.

Council income and expenditure statements show parking infringement revenue is the largest source of income generated by the Branch. In 2018-19 parking infringements comprised, in
round numbers, $38 million of the $45 million in income generated by the Branch. The other income streams were from other infringements (littering, animal management etc) and grant monies for school crossings.

However, the Branch was still operating at a surplus despite the drop in parking infringement revenue. The Branch’s expenses in 2018-19 totalled $37 million. The underlying financial position of the Branch in 2018-19 was therefore a net surplus of $8 million in round numbers (being $45 million in income less $37 million in expenses).

74 pages.


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