Health Department Freedom of Information Requests.

If covid 19 can be isolated why was this not used to create a traditional vaccine over the now commonly known dangerous nRMA vaccines?
As early as 1913 vaccinia virus was grown in cell cultures, and in the 1930s both smallpox virus (133) and yellow fever virus (94) were propagated in cell cultures for the purpose of vaccine production. However, it was not until the 1950s that the interest in using cell cultures for virus isolation ex- panded, largely due to the discovery that polioviruses would proliferate in cell cultures that were not of neural origin (43, 134). The use of cultured cells to isolate viruses was advanced further by the addition of antibiotics to cell culture media, the development of chemically defined culture media, and the use of cell-dispensing equipment for preparing replicate cultures. Although, initially, flasks and tubes of cells for use in diagnostic laboratories were prepared in the laboratory, bio- logical supply houses soon began to mass produce various cell strains and lines which could be purchased and delivered ready to use. Although many diagnostic virology laboratories pur- chase all of their cell cultures, some laboratories still prepare cell cultures in-house.
Although cell cultures can be purchased or prepared in a variety of containers, the 16- by 125-mm glass or plastic round- bottom screw-cap tube is standard, with the cell monolayer adhering from the midpoint to the bottom of one side of the tube. Typically, several different cell lines are inoculated with each clinical sample in an attempt to provide a suitable host for whichever virus might be present in the sample.


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