“Over the last decades, novel wireless communication technologies, such as mobile telephones, cellular networks and Wi-Fi, have been developed at unparalleled speed. The forthcoming rollout of 5G technology across the European Union is expected to bring new opportunities for citizens and businesses by enabling faster internet browsing, streaming and downloading, as well as by ensuring better connectivity. However, 5G, along with 3G and 4G, with which it will operate in parallel for several years, may also pose threats to human health. This event will present the results of two STOA studies, which take stock of our present understanding of the impacts of 5G on health and the environment.”
The presenters included Fiorella Belpoggi from the Ramazzini Institute in Italy, Arno Thielens from Ghent University in Belgium, and Julia Köberlein and Bernhard Scholz from Kontextlab in Germany. The discussants included Joachim Schüz from the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer in France, Kurt Straif from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health in Spain and nearly 20 years at the International Agency for Research on Cancer and Martin Vácha from Masaryk University in the Czech Republic.
Arno Thielens, PhD, presents on the adverse health affects of cellphone radiation on wildlife at the European Parliament Panel for the Future of Science and Technology, May 31, 2021. He highlights the lack of safety limits established for birds bees and trees which will be heaviliy exposed to wireless radiation with 5G deployment.