Local Government in Australia

Up to the present time, no systematic attempt has been made to investigate the various systems of Local Government in all the Australian States. As it is desired, if possible, to utilize the municipal subdivision of the States as a basis for the presentation of data in connexion with the next census, it has been Read More …

Criminal proceedings 101 ~ from beginning to end

1. Arrest​: ​Valid arrests must be based on ​probable cause.​ A reasonable belief that a certain set of facts which rises to the level of a threat to life or property are true. Must be based entered into the court record via sworn statement. ​(REMEMBER – no sworn statement of probable cause, even in a Read More …

Western Australia Criminal Code Act 1902

Western Australia Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913   3.            Savings for things done under repealed Acts      (1)     All offices, appointments, regulations, rules, convictions, sentences, judgments, orders, registers, records, certificates, and instruments, and generally all acts of authority, which originated or were operative or subsisting under any enactment repealed by this Act and hereby Read More …

W.A. Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913

Western Australia Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913     Preamble Whereas the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly on 22 December 1911, directed the compilation with its amendments of the Criminal Code Act 1902; and a compilation of the said Act and the Acts amending the same was duly made in accordance with the Statutes Compilation Act (as Read More …