Victorian Ombudsman ~ Investigation into three councils’ outsourcing of parking fine internal reviews

From 2006 to at least 2016, Glen Eira, Port Phillip and Stonnington councils were found to have breached the Infringement Act, which requires councils to handle parking fine reviews internally. The three councils do not believe they broke the law but have agreed to repay the fines out of “goodwill”, ombudsman Deborah Glass said.   52 Read More …

Governor (including Lieutenant Governor 1851-1855 and Governor’s Office)

Scope of Agency This agency includes the Lieutenant-Governor (1851 to 1855) and the Governor (from 1855), as well as the Governor’s Office. Formal Structure of Government in Victoria and Role of Governor from 1855 The formal structure of Government and the role of the Governor are set down in the Victorian Constitution Act 1975 (No.8750), Read More …

Is the Victorian Travel Permit System in harmony with the Parliaments Human Rights Obligations?

Can a direction (Which is not a statutory provision) from a medical officer limit your freedom of movement? The ex-attorney general for Victoria clearly stated that the Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 was in full force during the pandemic, section 12 provides the following:   CHARTER OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ACT 2006 – Read More …

COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Inquiry Final Report and Recommendations

Private security guards should not have been engaged in the circumstances Security guards were not the appropriate cohort to provide security services in the Hotel Quarantine Program without close monitoring and extensive and continued training by those with the requisite expertise. That level of monitoring and training did not occur. Consideration was not given to Read More …

Checklist for Infringements.

Constitution Watch would like to thank Maddocks lawyers for the extensive checklist stating the requirement of what construes a valid infringement notice in the State of Victoria. These points are found in the relevant regulations. Quite often agencies hope you are unaware of these requirements for the infringement to be a valid infringement, it is Read More …

~ HANSARD ~ The Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Bill 2013

Mr CRISP (Mildura) — The Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Bill 2013 is an important bill for The Nationals as it seeks to address some cross-border anomalies for representation in border areas.   Statement of compatibility For Hon. E. J. O’DONOHUE (Minister for Liquor and Gaming Regulation), Hon. G. K. Rich-Phillips tabled following statement in Read More …

Are the actions of the Victorian Legal Profession exempt from Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006~???

Is this evidence of an unaccountable legal system facilitated by corrupt government?         LEGAL PROFESSION UNIFORM LAW APPLICATION ACT 2014 – SECT 6 Override of Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (1)     The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 has no application to— (a)     Schedule Read More …