Human Rights & Responsibilities Act ~ Public Authorities.

Public authorities The meaning of ‘public authority’ (s 4) Overview Section 4(1) defines the term public authority for the purposes of the Charter. The full definition can be found below. The emphasis of the definition of public authorities: is on matters of substance, not form or technicalities. This accords with the statement in the second Read More …

Need to hold a lawyer to account? ~ Professional Conduct and Practice Rules.

Practitioners should serve their clients competently and diligently. They should be acutely aware of the fiduciary nature of their relationship with their clients, and always deal with their clients fairly, free of the influence of any interest which may conflict with a client’s best interests. Practitioners should maintain the confidentiality of their clients’ affairs, but Read More …


Mobile road safety camera site selection investigation. The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether mobile road safety camera deployment complies with the physical field criteria contained in the Victoria Police Mobile Road Safety Camera Policy and Operations Manual. DOES THE MOBILE SPEED CAMERA THAT DETECTED YOUR VEHICLE COMPLY?   8 pages.     Read More …

Victoria Vehicle Standards Information

In Victoria a certificate of roadworthiness is generally required when a vehicle is sold or reregistered or as part of a mandatory periodic inspection requirement for a bus or taxi. In some cases a certificate of roadworthiness is also required to clear a Vehicle Defect Notice. A certificate of roadworthiness can only be issued by a Licensed Vehicle Tester Read More …


COMPETITION AND CONSUMER ACT 2010 – SCHEDULE 2 The Australian Consumer Law   50   Harassment and coercion               (1)  A person must not use physical force, or undue harassment or coercion, in connection with:                      (a)  the supply or possible supply of goods or services; or                      (b)  the payment for goods or services; Read More …

Investigation into review of parking fines by the City of Melbourne

Alleged revenue raising – the evidence Revenue from parking fines is trending downwards, The investigation confirmed the Council’s revenue from parking infringements dropped in 2018-19. This was due to a 17 per cent reduction in the number of parking fines issued in 2018-19, compared with the previous year. As a consequence, the income generated from parking fines Read More …