The Covid-19 injections do not confer immunity, & therefore do not meet the definition of a vaccine.

Submissions from the recent 6th Circuit Court case on vaccination. A highly recommended read.   It is well established that certain sectors of society are at far greater risk from Covid-19 than other sectors. Having co-morbid conditions is the most important risk and older age is the most widely used proxy for comorbidities. Persons with obesity, Read More …

145-Country Study Shows Sharp INCREASE of Transmission and DEATH After Introduction of COVID Vaccines

Instead of bringing an end to this pandemic as promised, the widespread rollout of the experimental vaccines has actually caused a sharp increase in Covid-19 cases and deaths across the world, according to a recently published preprint study that looked at data from the 145 of the most vaccinated countries in the world. The 99-page Read More …

Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV‐2 and the Emerging Variants

A new study published in the Journal of Natural Products of the American Chemical Society and American Society of Pharmacognosy has shown that isolated cannabinoids or those in hemp extracts have the potential to prevent and treat the infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2) – primarily by blocking viral cell entry. Read More …

Japan Revokes All Va##ine Mandates, Places Myocarditis Warning on Label

First, Japan’s health ministry acknowledged the growing rate of heart inflammation among the vaccinated population. Then Japan’s public and private sectors were alerted to the fact and forbidden to discriminate against those who refuse the COVID vaccine. Furthermore, Japan has made it clear that “informed consent” is required to receive the vaccine. Japan now insists the vaccine labels Read More …

Is the new COVID at-home test dangerous?

Is the new Covid-19 test dangerous? The test is self-administered, there is no doctor, nurse, or technician present. What could possibly go wrong, as millions of people perform the test on themselves? The document below references an undated FDA document titled, “BinaxNOWTM COVID-19 Antigen Self TEST.” The Binax test kit is manufactured by Abbott. Here Read More …

Dead from the Vaccine? Don’t worry the Government will compensate you!

Dead from the Vaccine? Here in Australia the Government compels you to engage in the Vaccine rollout scheme and if you die they pay you! Past schemes where Australians have died from Government schemes include the Rudd Governments home insulation program where a Royal Commission laid blame solely on the Government scheme and only after Read More …

COVID19 Vaccination of Children and Adolescents Futility Danger and Intergenerational Theft

Daily we hear from Government, Universities and experts how safe Covid-19 vaccination is. But what’s the word on the street? Minor adverse reactions all the way through to myocarditis and pericarditis. ATAGI say the benefits outweigh the risks, and even children 5 to 11 are soon to be approved for vaccination. This research document looks Read More …