New Science Shows Vaccines Help Omicron Spread: Peer-Reviewed Study

A team of 19 scientists from the United Kingdom have published new research that helps explain why countries with the highest vaccination rates are experiencing the highest numbers of what they call “breakthrough infections,” as well as reinfection with other variants of COVID-19. This research article, published on June 14, 2022 in the peer-reviewed journal Read More …

Can you afford $5 a Month?

Can you afford $5 a month to support the researchers here at Constitution Watch to bring you more great content on a daily Basis? For the cost of a cup of coffee a month you can help us concentrate on what we need to do, bring you the truth wth more exceptional content not found Read More …

WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION implementing of Digital Documentation for COVid-19 test certificates

Below is the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION implementing of Digital Documentation for COVid-19 test certificates.  Within the pages we found the following, “Treatment requires respecting and protecting all persons equally and acting to ensure, as far as possible, no wrongful or unfair discrimination that may amount to a violation of human rights” and… TRANSPARENCY: Providing clear, Read More …

COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

Russell L. Blaylock, Retired Neurosurgeon, Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, from Ridgeland, Mississippi, United States provides a well grounded overview of the Covid-19 pandemic of the past two and a half years on the National Library of Medicine. From the media to the key players and instigators of the pandemic this paper provides the facts and scrutinises Read More …

UK Government Releases Bombshell Study Showing COVID Vax ‘Increases Risk of Death’ and ‘Kills Hundreds Of Thousands After Five Months’

The Covid-19 vaxxed population is substantially more likely to die of any cause than the unvaxxed population in all age groups, according to new data released by the UK’s Office for National Statistics. This is yet more evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines are deadly, and research included within the ONS data shows it takes five months after Read More …

Virus vax mandate challenged in Qld court

Queensland police and health workers have begun their challenge to COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the Brisbane Supreme Court. A trial involving three matters got under way on Monday, after legal issues stalled proceedings lodged by others. The action was brought by paramedics and Queensland Health employees, who were required to have two vaccinations in December, Read More …

Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats

In March 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) partnered with the Munich Security Conference (MSC) to vest run the upcoming Monkeypox virus. As with event 201 sponsored by the likes of Bill and Melinda Gates this was another exercise scenario but instead of a COV virus this pandemic portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an Read More …