The City of Greater Geelong 2018-19 Annual Budget and Rating Strategy.

For 2018-19 financial year, Council declares a waiver of 100% of general rates and municipal charge under Section 171 of the LGA for the class of persons comprised of ratepayers in respect of assessments which are in private ownership within the inappropriate subdivision known as New Corio Estate. This rates assistance waiver recognises the financial Read More …

Can the Commonwealth fund a Third Tier of Government known as Local Government?

Is there a power to fund local governments that fail to be recognised under the Constitution? Is it not our Right for Government to be open and transparent of the mechanisms used to do that which appears to be beyond the power of the Parliament? We present this and encourage any correction to establish the Read More …

Local Government in Australia

Up to the present time, no systematic attempt has been made to investigate the various systems of Local Government in all the Australian States. As it is desired, if possible, to utilize the municipal subdivision of the States as a basis for the presentation of data in connexion with the next census, it has been Read More …