Can you afford $5 a Month?

Can you afford $5 a month to support the researchers here at Constitution Watch to bring you more great content on a daily Basis? For the cost of a cup of coffee a month you can help us concentrate on what we need to do, bring you the truth wth more exceptional content not found Read More …

Queensland Human Rights Commission lays claim vaccine mandate beyond CHO’s power

The Human Rights Commission (Commission) has sensationally intervened in the Supreme Court challenge brought by educators – believing the CHO has gone too far. According to reports, the Commission claimed the vaccine mandate for teachers and childcare workers was outside the Chief Health Officer (CHO) John Gerrard’s powers under the Public Health Act 2005. The Read More …


The Nuremberg Code (1947) Permissible Medical Experiments The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis Read More …

Human Rights & Responsibilities Act ~ Public Authorities.

Public authorities The meaning of ‘public authority’ (s 4) Overview Section 4(1) defines the term public authority for the purposes of the Charter. The full definition can be found below. The emphasis of the definition of public authorities: is on matters of substance, not form or technicalities. This accords with the statement in the second Read More …

Who Drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

Drafting Committee – Members Establishment of the Committee In February 1947, in accordance with a decision from the first session of the Commission on Human Rights (E/259), a group consisting of Eleanor Roosevelt, Pen-Chun Chang and Charles Malik, began drafting the International Bill of Human Rights. With assistance of the UN Secretariat, the task of formulating a preliminary draft Read More …