Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited-v-Murphy Operator Pty-Ltd Ors 2020 QCA 250

Where the appellant dredged waterways, excavated soil, and placed the materials dredged or excavated into various other places around the port of Gladstone – where the first, second and third respondents are plaintiffs in a class action brought pursuant to Part 13A of the Civil Proceedings Act 2011 (Qld) – where the respondents allege that, Read More …

Northern Land Council v Quall ~ HCA 33 ~2020.

Native title representative bodies, governments around the country, and countless participants in the resources, can all breathe a sigh of relief after the High Court unanimously decided that a representative body’s function of certifying applications for the registration of Indigenous land use agreements (ILUAs) can be carried out by the body’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Read More …

Constitutional Law ~ Power of Governor to enact amendments to statutes without the necessity of reserving the same for Royal assent

Constitutional Law–Colonial Legislature-Power of Governor to enact amendments to statutes without the necessity of reserving the same for Royal assent–Competence of colonial legislature to eliminate Crown as part of Parliament-“The Australian Constitutions “Act, 1842”-“The Australian Constitutions Act, 1850, The “Colonial Laws Validity Act, 1865″ Repugnancy to Imperial Acts -Statute–Construction–Statute Law Revision–The Statute ” Law Revision Read More …

Joosse & ANOR v Australian Securities and Investment Commission M35/1998 [1998] HCATrans 492 (15 December 1998)

    IN THE HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA       Office of the Registry Melbourne No M35 of 1998     B e t w e e n –   WOLTER JOOSSE and JACQUELINE YVONNE JOOSSE   Applicants   and     AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES AND INVESTMENT COMMISSION (formerly the AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION)   Respondent   Read More …