Does the Commonwealth have the power to recommend Covid 19 vaccinations and Booster Shots?

The Constitution provides the subject matters of which the Commonwealth has its law making powers, within those powers are limited health powers. Section 51(xxiiiA) is known as the funding power of the Commonwealth, which is a power to fund medical and dental services, pharmaceutical benefits and alike. The States hold the power to regulate health, Read More …


The historical framework used in understanding the ongoing colonisation of Australia directly implicates our knowledge of the present and hopes for the future. The history of Australia, post 1788 invasion, is fraught with contestation, selective forgetting and the appropriation of other people’s collective memory (Todorov, 2001). However, history is not fixed and as MacIntyre and Read More …

Sign Petition EN4090 – Stop The Digital Identity Legislation (Trusted Digital Identity Bill).

Petition ReasonThe proposed Digital Identity Legislation is a threat to every Australians privacy and security. We the undersigned vigorously oppose and do not consent to this proposed legislation being passed. We express our overwhelming concern for the following: • Use and sharing of our personal or biometric information to third parties. • The lack of Read More …


Vice Chancellor and President of the Queensland University Professor Deborah Terry has decided to suspend the requirement that all staff, students and most others must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend UQ locations. After a roll back of the Queensland State Government initiative to mandate booster shots the University has followed suit, it is Read More …

Public hearings regarding a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response

CMN has made a submission to WHO regarding its global Pandemic Treaty. It is vital as many people today make submissions. At the bottom of this email is CMN’s submission. WHO only allows for 250 words. Feel free to share, use or adapt. Background WHO created an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to work out details Read More …

Queensland Human Rights Commission lays claim vaccine mandate beyond CHO’s power

The Human Rights Commission (Commission) has sensationally intervened in the Supreme Court challenge brought by educators – believing the CHO has gone too far. According to reports, the Commission claimed the vaccine mandate for teachers and childcare workers was outside the Chief Health Officer (CHO) John Gerrard’s powers under the Public Health Act 2005. The Read More …