WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION implementing of Digital Documentation for COVid-19 test certificates

Below is the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION implementing of Digital Documentation

for COVid-19 test certificates.  Within the pages we found the following,

"Treatment requires respecting and protecting all persons equally and acting to ensure, as far as possible,

no wrongful or unfair discrimination that may amount to a violation of human rights"


TRANSPARENCY: Providing clear, accurate and publicly accessible information about the basis for

the policy and the process by which it is made, from the onset

(i.e. notifying the public that such a process is under way). Such a process disciplines decision-making

and ensures accountability by providing clear and sound rationale.

ACCOUNTABILITY: Providing a clear description for who is responsible for what,

and how responsibilities will be regulated and enforced.

RESPONSIVENESS: Providing mechanisms and opportunities to review and revise

decisions and policies based on evolving scientific evidence and other relevant data.


SHALL: SHALL (in upper case) is used to describe technical features and functions that are mandatory for this specification.2

SHOULD: SHOULD (in upper case) is used to describe technical features and functions that are recommended but are not mandatory. It is the implementer’s decision on whether to include that feature or function based on the implementation context and policies of the implementing Member State. However, the implementer is strongly recommended to review the reasons for not following the recommendations before deviating from the technical specifications outlined.

VERIFIER: A natural, or legal, person, either private or public, formally authorized (under national law, decree, regulation or other official act or order) to verify and validate the SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic test result presented in the DDCC.