Zory Glaser Microwave Radio Technology Archives documents by title

One way to interpret this is that we have two guidelines, one to prevent heating and, a more restrictive guideline, to prevent biological effects, some of which can have serious health consequences. What is striking is that what we used to call  microwave sickness (group of symptoms associated with radar workers) has been called neuroasthenia Read More …

Effects Attributed to Microwave & Radio Frequency Technology.

This is one of the first large scale reviews of the literature on the biological effects of microwave and radio frequency radiation and it first appeared in 1971.  The author classified the biological effects,  into 17 categories. These categories include heating (thermal effects); changes in physiologic function; alterations of the central, autonomic and peripheral nervous Read More …

Dr. Zory Glaser

Dr. Glaser compiled his first radio frequency (RF)/microwave bioeffects bibliography in 1971  (PDF, 12.7MB), as a result of his Ph.D. His studies, into non-ionizing radiation exposure from RF/microwave sources–and potential adverse effects on military personnel–led to the development of the RF bioeffects laboratory at the Naval Medical Research Center. Dr. Glaser then funded, managed, and Read More …

Archive of 4,000 Documents Reveals Government Knew Decades Ago About Health Impact of Wireless Technology

    Researcher Zorach Glaser, Ph.D. spent decades archiving studies that examine the link between certain health issues and exposure to microwave and radio frequencies. Scholars and the public are now invited to help review Glaser’s documents.     Zorach (Zory) Glaser Ph.D., LT, MSC, USNR, is one of the most important scientists to study Read More …

European Plans for ‘Vaccine Passports’ Were in Place 20 Months Prior to the Pandemic. Coincidence?

With the world being told that so-called ‘vaccine passports’ will be required for all international travel in future, and in many countries even to enter shops, restaurants, bars, gyms, hotels, theatres, concerts and sports events, the impression we are being given is that the measure is a direct result of the coronavirus pandemic. In Europe, Read More …

Peace, Order and Good Government.

Commonwealth At the establishment of the Commonwealth the framers had, therefore, three versions of empowering provision from which to choose. It would seem that the issue was not one considered to be of any moment by the majority of delegates and stimulated little interest at the convention, with  the result thats s51and 52 of the Read More …


Extraterritorial Application of Australian Statutes Australian statutes are restricted generally in their operation to activities that take place within the relevant jurisdiction. 1 In effect, this means that statutes are presumed to have no extraterritorial application. Unless, either by express words or necessary implication a statute applies beyond the boundaries of the relevant jurisdiction, it Read More …

2,050 cases where Vaccine targets COVID-19 (COVID19) and Patient Died

National Vaccine Information Center Your Health. Your Family. Your Choice. MedAlerts Home From the 3/19/2021 release of VAERS data: Found 2,050 cases where Vaccine targets COVID-19 (COVID19) and Patient Died Case Details This is page 1 out of 205 Result pages: 1 2345678910next   VAERS ID: 909095 (history) Form: Version 2.0 Age: 66.0 Sex: Male Location: Colorado Vaccinated: 2020-12-23 Read More …