You’re Still Exempt. Just Say “I Am Unable to Wear a Face Mask Safely.” Nothing More.

You’re Still Exempt. Just Say “I Am Unable to Wear a Face Mask Safely.” Nothing More. By Allan Stevo August 12, 2020   Many millions cannot safely wear a face mask. With the one-size-fits-all face mask approaches, this presents a problem. Those who can’t safely wear a face mask are pressured into wearing one, to Read More …

Section 69 Quarantine Proclamation, did it really happen?

Commonwealth Hansard, Quarantine Proclamation, Section 69 Commonwealth Constitution.     The required proclamation as found in section 69 failed to be created at any time after Federation.         COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA CONSTITUTION ACT – SECT 69 Transfer of certain departments                    On a date or dates to be proclaimed by the Governor-General Read More …

Fabian Society ~ Wolves in Sheeps Clothing. ~ Socialists in the Australian Government. The Labour Party’s Core Agendas.

The Fabian Society is an old group originating in England in 1884, with the tyrannical purpose of forming a single, global socialist state. Their name comes from the Roman general Fabius, who was famed by carefully planned strategies to slowly wear down his enemies over a long period of time to obtain victory. “Fabian Socialism” Read More …