Denied Freedom of Information Request ~ Office of Parliamentary Council ~ Bio Security Act 2015.

The Office of Parliamentary Council denied the below Request seeking the minute from the Attorney General and letter it is accompanied by for the Governor-Generals Signature for the Bio security Act.     If you can spare a few dollars for the creators of this website to continue their research to bring you more great Read More …

Judgments – Regina v. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Appellant) ex parte Quark Fishing Limited

A reference of notable import that states that the constitution is to be relied upon to note which office of the Queen acts. The Australian constitution Act is not silent on this identification of the office of the Queen.     If you can spare a few dollars for the creators of this website to Read More …

Section 109 ~ Notes.

MURPHY J. Uni of Woolongong v Metwally 1984 Validity of the Amendment Act is presumed. In this proceeding, the only question of validity is concerned with s.109 of the Constitution. The real question is the validity of parts of the State Act during the period 1977-1983. Inconsistency 4. Our legal system is based on the Read More …

Trust Magic.

Two hundred and fifty three pages of Trust Magic, virtually everything you needed to know about setting up and maximising your estate through a Trust, A must read for the protection and investment of ones assets.   If you can spare a few dollars for the creators of this website to continue their research to Read More …