COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Inquiry Final Report and Recommendations

Private security guards should not have been engaged in the circumstances Security guards were not the appropriate cohort to provide security services in the Hotel Quarantine Program without close monitoring and extensive and continued training by those with the requisite expertise. That level of monitoring and training did not occur. Consideration was not given to Read More …

Mercury Fact Sheets.

Inorganic Mercury: When eaten in large amounts, some inorganic mercury compounds can be very irritating and corrosive to the digestive system. If repeatedly eaten or applied to the skin over long period of time, some inorganic mercury compounds can cause effects similar to what is seen with long term mercury vapor exposure, including neurological disturbances, Read More …

HIGH COURT ~ “Parliament could not pass a law requiring citizens to submit to Vaccination”

    Attorney-General (Vic); Ex rel Dale v Commonwealth (“Pharmaceutical Benefits case”) [1945] HCA 30; (1945) 71 CLR 237 (19 November 1945)   HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA I illustrate the position as I understand it by taking public health legislation as an example. Under s. 51 (ix.) the Commonwealth Parliament has power to make laws with respect Read More …

Australian Covid-19-Vaccination Policy

While the Australian Government strongly supports immunisation and will run a strong campaign to encourage vaccination, it is not mandatory and individuals may choose not to vaccinate. There may however, be circumstances where the Australian Government and other governments may introduce border entry or re-entry requirements that are conditional on proof of vaccination.     Read More …

A Summary of section 51(xxiiiA) of the Constitution and related case law surrounding the subject matter of “Forced Vaccinations”

A Summary of section 51(xxiiiA) of the Constitution and related case law surrounding the subject matter of “Forced Vaccinations”, Constitution Watch would like to thank Carl Agar for his contribution to the Site.     The powers of the Commonwealth with respect to legislating on medical issues is one of the items in section 51 Read More …

Forced COVID vaccinations violate UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights

In contrast to the current push in countries across the globe to make a coronavirus vaccine mandatory, the 2005 UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights declares that “medical intervention” requires the “free and informed consent of the person concerned.” The UNESCO declaration states in Article 6, “Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is Read More …