Bio Security Act ~ Lack of Transperancy of Governmental accountability.

Read how the Australian Government avoids confirming the constitutional compliance of the Bio Security Act. The Office of Parliamentary Council appears to be a rogue agency in the habit of making excuses rather than providing answers as one can witness in this lengthy response to avoid compliance under the Freedom of Information Act.     Read More …

Queen of the United Kingdom only to Assent to Bills.

The author of this Freedom of Information Request sought to confirm if any documents or legislative instruments exists in the possession of the Australian Government to allow for Royal Assent to occur outside of the provided parameters found within clause 2 and section 58 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900.     If Read More …


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Does the Office of the Governor General that is responsible for the subscribing of Constitutional Oaths have Scott Morrison’s Oath of Allegiance?

  The second witness. A rare response from the Office of the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia, if the Governor General responsible for Scott Morrisons Oath cant produce the oath, and after exhausted enquiry with the House of Representatives where can Morrision’s oath of allegiance be found? Please contact us using the Submit Read More …