Petition ~ Fight To Ban Vaccine Passports/Certificates

Stop the Vaccine Passport!

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Experimental vaccines being pushed onto the community to enforce Vaccine Passports is unethical. Vaccine Passports create an unprotected inexcusable situation for all aspects of personal and medical freedoms in our country. No member of government that truly cares to deliver in the best interests of their citizens would consider or support Vaccine Passports. Good leaders advocate to protect the rights of their people to be free to make a personal decision about COVID-19 vaccination that will not see them discriminated against or segregated for declining this or any vaccination and making sure they are free from punishment if they choose to say NO. These draconian passports would infringe on peoples’ rights and be an invasion in their personal lives opening the door to more tyrannical features being added down the line. We do not want our country to become a two-tiered society that consists of the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Private companies and health agencies should not be able to gain access to the health records of any citizen that in turn is a violation of their civil and human rights. While we defend the right of businesses to operate how they choose, this must NEVER extend to infringing on the inherent rights of anyone to make private and personal medical decisions. Through ensured informed consent every person must make their choice without facing any discrimination, coercion or fear of exclusion. Say NO to medical apartheid in Australia.


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