Victoria Police officer convicted following IBAC investigation Operation Ithaca

A former Victoria Police Sergeant, Robert Beckingham, was convicted and sentenced today at the Melbourne Magistrates' Court to a $7,500 fine after pleading guilty to a charge of unauthorised access to police information contained on the LEAP database that related to nine different persons.

The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, IBAC, charged Mr Beckingham with a number of offences in May 2018 following IBAC's investigation, Operation Ithaca, into allegations of police personnel misconduct.

Independent oversight of Victoria Police is among IBAC's most important functions. In 2018/19, 62 per cent of the allegations assessed by IBAC related to Victoria Police.

Vic ex-cop overturns jail term on appeal


A former Victorian police officer has had his six-month jail term for lying to a corruption hearing overturned on appeal.


Robert Beckingham was last year jailed for perjury after knowingly disclosing confidential information about a 2017 police corruption hearing.


He was re-sentenced by Victoria's County Court on Friday to an 18-month community correction order.

Beckingham had breached a confidentiality notice preventing him from telling others he'd been called as a witness before the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission.

It also prevented him from disclosing what he'd be questioned about in the hearing.

A magistrate last year found IBAC's notice was invalid because it hadn't adequately explained why it was necessary.

But Beckingham was found to have lied on oath about breaching the order.

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